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5 Motivational Tips From Elon Musk That You Don't Often Hear


We all have a passion for something, but it's not always easy to find it—or to stay motivated to pursue it. The famous inventor, entrepreneur and innovator, Elon Musk, has achieved more in his career than most of us ever will. He offers deep insight and motivational tips that inspire others to do their best and reach greater heights.

So what can we learn from Musk's highly successful career? In this article, I'll share five pieces of motivation from Elon Musk that you don't often hear about—and show you how you can use this advice to help find your passion and stay motivated when pursuing it.

You don't have to be an engineer or a CEO like Musk; his wisdom offers something valuable for everyone who's ready to put in the work. Let's dive in!

Think Big to Go Far: What Elon Musk Taught Us About Long-Term Thinking

The first motivational tip to take away from Elon Musk is to think big and act with long-term vision. He taught us that if you have an idea that’s worth pursuing, don’t be afraid of thinking big. Starting small might be more comfortable in the short-term but having a long-term goal in mind will motivate you to work hard and stay focused on achieving it.

Elon Musk has used this mindset his whole career, launching ambitious projects such as SpaceX, Tesla Motors, and The Boring Company in order to pursue his long-term goals of shifting humanity towards renewable energy sources and space exploration. Each of these projects required massive investments of time and resources but he knew that committing to the long road ahead would pay off in the end.

Take Calculated Risks: Elon Musk Encourages Taking Risks – The Right Way

We all know that taking risks has its rewards – but of course, not all risks are beneficial. Elon Musk advocates for taking calculated risks, which is when you weigh the pros and cons and make decisions with your head.

This kind of risk-taking requires effort from you. It takes looking into the situation, doing research, and understanding the consequences of your actions. You may spend a lot of time weighing your options, but it pays off in the long run.

Work Hard and Don’t Give Up: Elon Musk’s Unparalleled Work Ethic

Working hard does not mean working all the time—it also means having focus and motivation. Here are some tips on making the most of your work hours:

Make a plan and stick to it:

Nobody said that finding your passion would be easy. To stay on track and get the most out of your day, make a plan at the beginning of each day and try to stick to it as much as you can. This will help you focus on what needs to get done and make progress towards your goal each day.

Manage Your Time Wisely:

Motivation is great, but if you don't manage your time well you won't get far. Make sure to set aside some free time for yourself every day and avoid tasks that don't necessarily contribute to achieving your end goal—otherwise you'll be wasting precious time!

Take Breaks When You Need To:

Don't be afraid to take breaks! Allow yourself some down time when needed so that you can recharge, create better strategies for success, or just take a step back from a problem so that you can come back refreshed and invigorated with new ideas.

Believe in Your Vision: Why Elon Musk Had the Courage to Follow His Dream

Elon Musk has always been a passionate person and he has invested so much of himself into his dreams. He believes in a better future, and it’s that belief that enabled him to carry on in the face of setbacks.

Here are some things Elon advises on staying motivated:

  1. Have a vision for the future: Set your goals high and focus on them consistently--even if they seem far away right now!
  2. Take risks: Have the courage to try new things--even if they don't always work out right away!
  3. Persevere: Even if things don't turn out as planned at first, don't give up; keep trying until something sticks!
  4. Innovate: Always stay ahead of the curve by thinking outside the box and coming up with creative solutions to problems! 

Don’t Be Afraid of Failure: Key Learnings From Elon Musk’s Mistakes

The fifth and final tip Elon Musk has given us is to not be afraid of failure. This may sound counterintuitive, but it’s his way of thinking—that failures are opportunities to learn.

You see, even though Elon Musk has accomplished some great feats by now—like launching a Tesla Roadster into space or developing a revolutionary technology called the Hyperloop—he’s also had his share of mistakes. In fact, most of his successes today were won on the back of numerous failures he experienced in the past.

Have a Positive Attitude: Unlocking the Power of Positivity From Elon Musk

One of the most important tips from Elon Musk is to always have a positive attitude. This may sound cliched, but having a positive outlook can make a huge difference in how you approach your life and career.

Reframing Negativity

The key is to not be overwhelmed by negativity—things like failure or rejection—but instead flip them into learning experiences.

For example, rather than letting one job rejection overshadow your day, reframe it as an opportunity to look at other career options or refine your skills. As Elon Musk himself has said: “Failure doesn’t mean you are a failure; it just means you haven’t succeeded yet."

Celebrate Yourself and Others Too!

It's also important to celebrate yourself for all of your accomplishments—big or small—and be willing to give positive reinforcements to those around you as well. Elon Musk knows that by offering an encouraging word or pat on the back when someone needs it can be a great source of motivation for them too.


Although Elon Musk’s success speaks for itself, his journey to the top was anything but easy. Sure, it took hard work and dedication, but it also required motivation.

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